Immerse yourself in the mystique of Japanese folklore with this life-sized Kitsune fox mask, inspired by the traditional masks worn during Japan’s vibrant festivals. This 3D printable mask captures the playful and enigmatic spirit of the fox, a symbol of wisdom and cunning in Japanese culture. Available in STL and OBJ formats, this design is ready to print at full scale for wearable use or can be resized for stunning wall decor.
Size: Designed to fit an adult comfortably, yet easily resizable for other creative uses. Format: STL and OBJ, ensuring compatibility with most 3D printers. Painting Fun: The mask's contours and details make it an exciting project for painting and customization, allowing you to bring out your own artistic style.
Thank you for exploring my designs! I love seeing how each print brings unique creativity, and your feedback and comments mean a lot. Be sure to check out my profile for more Japanese-inspired models and other unique creations.
Dimensions: ( X 286 mm, Y 258 mm, Z 300 mm)
Wishing you an inspiring day!
— Jorge Zepeda