Jonathan Joestar

Jonathan Joestar 3D print model


Model tested in printOn the print photo the different parts are just put on before painting, so there are some gaps, but everything fits perfectly.the character is 20cm high at 100%.

The model is HD and you are free to print it bigger if you wish

Modele testé en impressionSur la photo du print les différentes parties sont simplement posées avant peinture, d'ou certains écarts, mais tout s'assemble parfaitement.le personnage fait 20cm de haut à 100%Le modele est HD libre à vous de l'imprimer plus grand si vous le souhaitez

ARTorca2021-10-18 08:36:36 UTC
de-almeida-manuel2021-10-18 09:56:28 UTC
thanks you !
Item rating
2 0
gersoncruz2022-01-18 06:57:06 UTC
Muy buen modelo, sin errores, totalmente satisfecho
markosvalen55472021-12-21 23:20:13 UTC
excellent assembly with hiden joints the only proble is the neck its hard to hide the join with the high flap
Jonathan Joestar
Editorial No Ai License 
Jonathan Joestar
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 45% in 35.7h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)628 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2021-10-18
  • Model ID#3331782
  • Ready for 3D Printing