Holy family

Holy family 3D print model


With Christmas approaching together the festivity of the Holy Family, that is coming on Sunday between Christmas and New Year's eve, Cross Lances sculptors want to offer you a little work dedicated to this festivity. The Holy Family.

With the expression Holy Family, in christian creed, is intended Jesus' family, mado of Jesus himself, Mary and Joseph.

Cross Lances is established in Florence (Italy) and couldn't realize works other than in renaissance style, which made our city so sumptuous.

The Renaissance is an artistic and cultural period in Europe's history, that born in Florenze between Middle Ages and modern era, in a time frame that span from middle of XIV sec. to XVI sec.

Renaissance, lived as an age of changes, created a new way of perceiving the world and themselves, developing ideas such as humanism influencing arts and current mentality.

To realize our sculptures, we selected some statues that actued as inspiration and reference.

From all the statues that array Florenze, two really reached us, both located at the church of Orsanmichele.

Saint Jacopo, was our main refence to realize Saint Joseph.

The statue of Saint Jacopo, attributed to Niccolò di Pietro Lamberti, is part of the group of fourteen statues of the art's protectors of Florence, in external niche of Orsanmichele's church. It was commissioned by Arte dei Vaiai e Pellicciaie and it's dated 1410-1422. It's made out of apuan marble and its 213 cm tall. Today is in Orsanmichele's museum, and substituted by a copy in the church's niche.

And the Holy Mary of the rose

The sculpture of the Holy Mary of the Rose, attributed to Pietro di Giovanni Tedesco, is also part of the group of fourteen statues of the art's protectors of Florence, in the external niches of Orsanmichele's church. It was commissioned by Arte dei Medici e Speziali and it'r date 1399. It's made out of marble and 220 cm tall. Today is located at Orsanmichele's museum, and substituted by a copy in the church's niche.

So we realized our Holy Family sculptures for you, that will be able to buy it in stl file and print at home or print at a service.

Item rating
1 0
loloydinorog2021-12-28 08:36:09 UTC
It's detailed and crisp. Thanks.
Holy family
Custom License 
Holy family
Custom License 
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3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (2 files)66.4 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2017-02-19
  • Model ID#695328
  • Ready for 3D Printing