Herm Flower Pot Dimensions: 116.46 x 144.31 x 89.96mm or 4.58 x 5.68 x 3.54in
Scale up or down as needed for you flower pot.
file size 250k poly
if you need any help with the file let me know.
Herm of Zeus AmunAncient Rome, 1st -2nd centuries
The images of Zeus, the god of thunder and supreme deity of the Greeks, and Amun, the sun god of the Ancient Egyptians, became closely connected in the minds of the Hellenic peoples in the course of long-standing contacts between Greek and Egyptian cultures. As far back as the 8th century BC, the Greeks founded Naucratis - a colony in the Nile Delta. In the 5th century BC, Herodotus, the Father of History, made a journey to the land of pyramids in order to write about history and culture. In the first half of the 5th century BC the sculptor Kalamis created a large statue of Amun. The Greeks probably found unconventional the images of Egyptians gods, which commonly reflected animals’ features. Thus in this Hermitage statue, a rather faithful Roman copy from a Greek original of 460 BC, Zeus-Amun looks more like an Olympian god. The strands of hair and beard which make a setting for his calm face with its regular features are treated in a very simple manner. Only the large curly ram's horns, the sacred animal of the Egyptian god Amun, remind us that we deal with a new syncretic deity.