Harlequin Snake - Fantasy -

Harlequin Snake - Fantasy - 3D print model


Harlequin Snake - Fantasy -Includes intricate stand3D Print ModelHigh-Polygon Head Model


Printing Instructions

This model presents a feasible challenge and, of course, has been printed and tested by us in advance. The neck with its scales should be printed with numerous fine tree supports. The teeth were printed separately.

We measured our model, and with the stand, it reached a height of approximately 50 cm. We printed the model using matte PLA.

Important Information Regarding the Stand and Weight: The stand should be printed to be heavy, while the snake itself should be printed lighter. This will help achieve better balance. The ball stand we designed allows the model to rotate and be easily adjusted in all directions.

Files - CUT:

Harlekin-Snake-Model_Bottom.stlHarlekin-Snake-Model_Complete.stlHarlekin-Snake-Model_Head.stlHarlekin-Snake-Model_Middle.stlStand-Ball-Mount-Higher-4750%.stlTooth-Left.stlTooth-Right.stlTongue.stlComplete File:

Harlekin-Snake-Model_Complete-4750%.stlStand-Ball-Mount-Higher-4750%.stlThe package includes a pre-cut model designed for large-format printing. The model has been sliced to minimize the need for support structures, making the printing process as simple as possible.

Design + Copyright: Bernhard QueißerQU3D.deHerkunftsland: Germany

Item rating
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Harlequin Snake - Fantasy -
Custom No Ai License 
Harlequin Snake - Fantasy -
Custom No Ai License 
Response 64% in 12.8h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling
UV mapping

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (2 files)1.24 GB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2024-09-03
  • Model ID#5504360
  • Ready for 3D Printing