Halo 4 Cortana Download 3D print files statue figure video game

Halo 4 Cortana Download 3D print files statue figure video game 3D print model


THIS IS NOT A PHYSICAL PRODUCT. You will get a download link upon purchase.

This model has been designed for 3D printing. Please note that you need a powerful PC/Mac to handle these file(s); it is made for high quality printing.

Cortana is displayed with a relaxed, curious pose, close to her looks in Halo 4.

The files are delivered in STL format, both the full uncut model and in parts that have been designed for medium- to large scale printing. It does have some minor problems with the hair mesh, it does however print fine.

DISCLAIMERMy prints are virtually tested in Cura with 0.10 mm layer height. Always have thicker walls than the standard setting to have some room for sanding & avoid fragile surfaces. Note that most of my models are non-modular; it means they're cheaper but require some additional work to glue the parts and cover seams with clay unless you print the entire full model. Other slicers than Cura have not been tested. There are a hundred different parameters that effect the outcome of a 3D print. This is the nature of 3D printing and I offer no support for the actual printing process. It's a difficult art to master, I've been printing for many years and it's still difficult to get good prints. Having to adjust angles of the model & sanding the print itself is a normal part of the process while making a statue like this.

dianaimatias2023-10-12 02:28:47 UTC
archangelclk2021-05-20 21:53:05 UTC
Do you have any recommendations for painting or getting the Cortana matrix pattern?
BlueAzureArt2021-05-21 10:34:40 UTC
Might be able to mask out with tape the basic pattern, but to get the details I would guess hand painting is the only option.
disillusionist2021-01-25 23:10:13 UTC
What size is this model designed to print to? What is the print volume needed? Thanks!
BlueAzureArt2021-01-27 20:06:12 UTC
You should scale, cut, rotate & slice according to your specific printer. If you're a beginner I recommend starting with free models. Size of the 3D model does not matter.
disillusionist2021-02-08 18:48:10 UTC
Thanks for the quick reply. I understand scaling - I have lots of 3D CAD experience, and essentially none with 3D printing. I was assuming that there is some equivalent to "native resolution" that would determine how much detail is inherent in the model. This is not something I would attempt to print in the near future - I was just surprised and impressed by what you had created. And honestly, $7 is pretty close to free.
Item rating
2 0
rogerio532020-08-19 14:20:02 UTC
ecorbett19742020-08-12 00:08:41 UTC
Love this model. It printed beautifully. Only recommendation would be to add the bump map pattern for the digital clothing
Halo 4 Cortana Download 3D print files statue figure video game
Editorial No Ai License 
Halo 4 Cortana Download 3D print files statue figure video game
Editorial No Ai License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (6 files)213 MBVersion: 4Version: 4Version: 4Version: 4Version: 4Version: 4

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2020-07-11
  • Model ID#2508014