Thoth is considered the god of wisdom and had authority over all the gods. He was also the inventor of writing, patron of scribes, arts and sciences. As the god of writing, he was the inventor of all words, of articulated language.
He was a time-measuring lunar god, and he who established the first calendar and therefore the first month bore his name. He created the five days Heru Renpet (epagómenos), removing them from the luminosity of Jonsu, which symbolized the Moon. These new days allowed Nut to bear four children, which were: Osiris, Seth, Isis and Nephthys. For Ra had prevented him from having them on any day of the year.Thot plays the office of a sacred clerk, since he documents the events in the room of the Two Truths. He is the registrar and the judge. In the Egyptian pantheon he attended the weighing of souls on a scale, the trial of Osiris.He was also considered the architect who knew the paths and trajectories of all things, the lord of inventors and wisdom. He was related to music as inventor of the lyre.
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