Girl Genius

Girl Genius 3D print model


​Dynamically posed hero of the comic Girl Genius, Agatha Heterodyne. Sporting a properly intimidating wrench, she is ready for action and SCIENCE!This stunning figure lives within the richly layered Steampunk world of adventure and Victorian daring-do. Capture a moment of spirited confidence, where a bit of axle grease and a proper big wrench can save the day from villany.

Copyright : Airship Entertainment/Studio Foglio LLC

Two versions: Full figure and 5 part assembly STLs

pong29supakit2023-01-20 14:22:51 UTC
Item rating
6 0
kittensoft-chainmail682024-02-23 22:28:57 UTC
She printed quickly and without issue on my Bambu P1P & has a good level of detail.
simpleton2023-03-23 07:11:20 UTC
The model looks great and prints well. I had a problem with the fragility of the small gear standing on the base when I printed the model in a single piece, but this was manageable.
bureaucraticbuckaroo2023-03-19 01:57:00 UTC
Found her hard to support, but she is so cute and close to the comic <3
kwolffe2023-01-28 23:39:57 UTC
mattgertz2023-01-08 17:27:52 UTC
The model is gorgeously done. It's probably way better suited for a resin printer (which I don't have), so I attempted to print it in PLA (the full model file, not the pieces) on an Ender 3 S1 Pro, leaving it at the default orientation (the model on its back). Getting the supports right was tricky, particularly for the cowlicks in Agatha's hair. The result was pretty decent, though. The only problem I had was that the head of the wrench came off when the support material came off (but in a way that I could glue it back on), and the cowlicks suffered a bit (I'll have to shape them). The gear was amazingly in good shape despite being so fine. I'm going to attempt the same print again but with Agatha standing upright and using aligned supports instead of rectilinear.
Girl Genius
Editorial No Ai License 
Girl Genius
Editorial No Ai License 
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3D Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (6 files)176 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-11-18
  • Model ID#4065565
  • Ready for 3D Printing