3d printable file of four sons of horus and horus ! Stl, Obj and Ply file and if you want any coustom file so please contact us ! need any type of information please contact. you can only use the file for personal . you can't sell the result and the file can't be share
The earliest reference to the sons of Horus the Elder is found in the Pyramid Texts[4] where they are described as friends of the king, as they assist the king in his ascension to heaven in the eastern sky by means of ladders.[citation needed] Their association with Horus the Elder specifically goes back to the Old Kingdom when they were said not only to be his children but also his souls. As the king, or Pharaoh was seen as a manifestation of, or especially protected by, Horus, these parts of the deceased pharaoh, referred to as the Osiris, were seen as parts of Horus, or rather, his children.[5]feel free to contact us !