In the bustling metropolis of modern Shanghai, the ancient art of fengshui takes center stage in a captivating narrative. Li Mei, a young architect, stumbles upon an old book that unveils the long-forgotten secrets of fengshui—the harmonious alignment of spaces with nature’s energy. Intrigued, Li Mei embarks on a quest to master this mystical practice, guided by a wise mentor. As she applies fengshui principles to her architectural designs, astonishing transformations occur, bringing prosperity and balance to the city’s residents. However, Li Mei’s newfound knowledge attracts the attention of a powerful corporation intent on exploiting fengshui for profit. A battle between ancient wisdom and modern ambition ensues, testing Li Mei’s resolve to protect the sanctity of the art and preserve the city’s soul. Amid skyscrapers and tradition, the story of fengshui weaves a tale of cultural heritage, spiritual awakening, and the enduring quest for harmony in a rapidly changing world. 261-ST- Fengshui 6
The presented 3d model is based on Fengshui Statue and is detailed for closeup renderings.
Geometry Polys (without subdivision): 600,000Verts (without subdivision): 300,000
Textures8k textures are used for the whole 3D model (8192 x 8192px)
File Formats3DS MAX / C4D / BLENDER / FBX / OBJ / STL / USDZ