Fanart TMNT Leonardo - Statue

Fanart TMNT Leonardo - Statue 3D print model


Hi! hope you are doing great! This is my FANART MODEL of LEONARDO from TMNT! I loved them when I was a child! I putted a lot of work and effort on this statue, hopefully you will noticed! This model was sculpted using Zbrush and it's fully detailed. I wanted to show Leo as a proud, wise and strong leader, showing the true colors of his personality. The digital sculpture (watermarked STL) is ready to print, sliced and with perfect keying to make easier its printing a painting! This model is 8.1 inches - 20.5 cm tall.

Includes a solid single mesh file version



Hola! Este es mi Fanart de Leonardo de las Tortugas Ninja, Uno de mis dibujos animados favoritos cuando era niño. Es por eso que puse mucho esfuerzo en este modelo. Esculpido enteramente en zbrush y con la atención puesta en cada detalle y textura. Quisé mostrar a Leo como un orgulloso pero sabio y fuerte lider. Este modelo esta listo para imprimirse, dividido en partes y con encastres perfectos para facilitar su impresion y su pintura. Cada archivo posee marcas de agua en su codigo. La altura total por defecto de este modelo es 20.5 cm

Incluye un archivo con el modelo entero en una pieza

Prohibida su distribucion

Ripped6662024-11-28 19:34:00 UTC
great model!
marcelomenic2021-01-03 15:00:07 UTC
crisritornepersempre2021-01-03 14:55:37 UTC
awesome work!
fanaticodecine882021-01-03 14:50:46 UTC
Like it!! cant wait to see mike!
MarcoAntonioSolis2021-01-03 14:25:11 UTC
Item rating
4 0
atomikslicer2024-03-31 11:17:44 UTC
Absolutely great model with fantastic detail, I purchased this model to print for my brother for his birthday and in the process decided to print one for myself, printed perfect on my Saturn 2 accept for the base which took 2 attempts as its a very big boy hahaha, I will be buying the rest of the TMNT models in order to complete the collection.
vipermaw822022-03-19 17:36:32 UTC
Must have
windrunner2021-11-22 12:26:31 UTC
Great model!! Thanks!
rawls-al-ghul2021-01-10 04:45:04 UTC
Fanart TMNT Leonardo - Statue
Custom No Ai License 
Fanart TMNT Leonardo - Statue
Custom No Ai License 
Response 83% in 1.2h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (15 files)542 MB
  • 3D Manufacturing File (.3mf)1.57 MB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl)14.5 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2021-01-03
  • Model ID#2790197
  • Ready for 3D Printing