Fan Art Spiderverse - Miles Morales vs Spiderman 2099 - statue

Fan Art Spiderverse - Miles Morales vs Spiderman 2099 - statue 3D print model


Hi! This is my Spiderverse Miles Morales vs Spiderman 2099 Fan art: This model is inspired in the upcoming movie Across the Spiderverse and the comic version of both characters. The digital sculpture (watermarked STL) is ready to print. It includes the model sliced and with perfect keying to make it easier to print and paint. Also includes a full body file of each character and a single mesh - one piece version (for minis)! - The base comes in a one-piece and also sliced. This model is 1:8 scale and is 5.9 in (15 cm) tall

ESPAÑOL: Spiderverse Miles Morales vs Spiderman 2099 Fan artl! . La escultura digital (STL con marca de agua) está lista para imprimir. El modelo esta Cortado y con encastres perfectos para que sea más fácil de imprimir y pintar. ¡También incluye un archivo de cuerpo completo y otro de una sola pieza (personaje + base)! - La base viene en una sola pieza. Este modelo tiene una escala de 40 cm de altura.

estacionamientolibre2142023-04-02 22:23:50 UTC
fantasticprints102023-04-02 22:21:06 UTC
gastonpauls10102023-04-02 22:20:16 UTC
mercoslencioni2023-04-02 22:19:18 UTC
isamortaroti2023-04-02 22:15:42 UTC
cool design!
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Fan Art Spiderverse - Miles Morales vs Spiderman 2099 - statue
Custom No Ai License 
Fan Art Spiderverse - Miles Morales vs Spiderman 2099 - statue
Custom No Ai License 
Response 83% in 1.2h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (22 files)2.36 GB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2023-04-01
  • Model ID#4403374
  • Ready for 3D Printing