Fan Art Spider Gwen - 2 in 1 - Statue

Fan Art Spider Gwen - 2 in 1 - Statue 3D print model


Hi! This is my Spider Gwen Fan Art! This model was sculpted using Zbrush and it's fully detailed. The digital sculpture (watermarked STL) is ready to print, It includes the model sliced and with perfect keying to make it easier to print and paint. Also includes a full body file (without the base) and a full model - single mesh file which includes the base! - The base comes in a one-piece version and sliced too - This model is 1:6 scale and is 11.02 in (28 cm) tall -

**This model includes two different versions: SpiderGwen inspired in the 1st spiderverse movie and Spidergwen inspired in the spiderverse sequel


By making a contribution to get this model, you will help me a lot to continue working on my art. You can help me with the suggested contribution or more if you think this model worth it! Thanks a lot!


Hola! Este es mi fan art de Spider Gwen basado en las peliculas de la saga Spiderverse. Esculpido enteramente en zbrush y con la atención puesta en cada detalle y textura. Este modelo está listo para imprimirse. El modelo esta dividido en partes y con encastres perfectos para facilitar su impresión y su pintura. Asimismo incluye una versión de cuerpo completo, en una pieza con su base y otra version de cuerpo completo y base separada. La base también se encuentra separada en partes y en una sola pieza.

Cada archivo posee marcas de agua en su código.

La altura total por defecto de este modelo es 28 cm y esta en escala 1:6.

Este modelo incluye 2 versiones - SpiderGwen basada en la 1ra pelicula de Spiderverse y Spider Gwen basada en su secuela

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joed20232024-09-27 19:23:27 UTC
pong29supakit2022-12-24 12:57:15 UTC
lesco2022-09-09 07:34:13 UTC
timbremenic2022-04-18 13:21:20 UTC
isamortaroti2022-04-18 13:20:23 UTC
very nice!
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2 0
wyattwolfc2022-05-01 21:51:00 UTC
jng05112022-04-22 04:07:39 UTC
Fan Art Spider Gwen - 2 in 1 - Statue
Custom No Ai License 
Fan Art Spider Gwen - 2 in 1 - Statue
Custom No Ai License 
Response 83% in 1.2h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (2 files)1.4 GB
  • Other 556 Bytes

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2022-04-18
  • Model ID#3692881