God Horus Protecting King Nectanebo 3d printable modelFile formats :.STL.FBX.OBJ.3MFHorus, also referred to as Heru, Har, Her or Hor in Ancient Egyptian, was a highly significant deity in ancient Egyptian culture. He held various roles, notably as the god of kingship, healing, protection, the sun, and the sky. Worship of Horus spanned from the late prehistoric period in Egypt until the Ptolemaic Kingdom and Roman Egypt. Egyptologists have documented different forms of Horus throughout history, considering them as distinct gods. These different forms represent various manifestations of the same complex deity, with certain attributes or syncretic relationships emphasized. Rather than being in opposition, these attributes and relationships complemented one another, aligning with the Ancient Egyptians' perception of the diverse aspects of reality. Horus was commonly depicted as a falcon, likely a lanner falcon or peregrine falcon, or as a man with a falcon head.