1 winrar file contains stl files: base, leftFoot, rightFoot, legs, torso, tail , leftArm, rightArm, head, hair.Not contain materials.Ready to print.
Xeno Vegeta wears battle armor similar to Mira and the other Time Breakers', albeit black in color. In World Mission, this battle armor model is Xeno Vegeta's official Time Patrol uniform supplied by Chronoa. During his temporary period as the Black-Masked Saiyan he also wore a mask with a green ring around the facial area and a Time Breaker symbol.
Xeno Vegeta's personality is identical to his main counterpart's. However, by the events of the Prison Planet Saga, Xeno Vegeta is shown to willingly use fusion as a one time exception which surprises Xeno Goku. Like Xeno Goku, he has also matured as he take his tasks seriously as a time patroller just like Goku does and is willing to work together with him as well.