Deer Head Wall Decor-3D Polygon

Deer Head Wall Decor-3D Polygon 3D print model


Model created, edited , renderd in Zbrush - artcam software.

ready for PRINTING OR MILLING ON CNC for that we renderd many pictures to imagine the different metals that can be used for this model IF YOU NEED ANY SUPPORT AM HERE FOR YOUR HELP

open source elements FOR can edit or change easily in any other software

Please consider that model has been remodeled for molding and be ready for printing/milling on cnc and there some elements (thorns) can became very fragile if scaled down too much.

If you need another format for the files, ask me without problem

if you need to do an edit or ask any question just text me We always hope that you will find with us what you are looking for -- thanks

Robinson172024-11-21 20:47:36 UTC
Great work....
Art-Shop-3Dmodel2024-11-23 08:03:00 UTC
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Deer Head Wall Decor-3D Polygon
Royalty Free License 
Deer Head Wall Decor-3D Polygon
Royalty Free License 
Response 90% in 2.3h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling
3D Scanning

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)41 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2024-11-06
  • Model ID#5624995