Beauty and the Beast Lumiere Candlestick and Cogsworth Clock
Lumiere (which translates from French as light) is a supporting character in Disney's 1991 animated feature film, Beauty and the Beast. He is the charismatic, yet rebellious, castle's maître'd, who was turned into a candelabra by the Enchantress' curse.“The Casanova of all candelabras. He is a suave, vivacious gentleman and as any gracious host would, treats Belle with warmth and to a spectacular show-stopping number, Be Our Guest. He is instrumental in helping Belle and Beast fall in love.”
Cogsworth is a supporting character in Disney's 1991 animated feature film, Beauty and the Beast. He is the Beast's strict, yet loyal majordomo who was turned into an enchanted pendulum clock, due to the Enchantress' curse.