The Bathory model is inspired by the Countess's rituals. I want to show a mixture of historical facts and fantasy and surround the character with the mysticism typical of the Vampire world.Part of the myth is shown in the model scene, Crime, and misdeeds motivated by her obsession with esotericism and beauty. So she used the blood of her young servants to keep her young for all eternity. Statue of 300 mm (30 cm), ready for printing by parts, includes obj file, mtl, stl. Please don't forget to leave a comment and your assessment, it is very important for me, I love knowing what you think of the work, besides what things could improve. As always, I encourage everyone to show me what they do with my BATHORY statue (Photos, videos, etc.). If you are satisfied with my Statue, I would greatly appreciate your leaving a decent review and rating. I will be very glad that you also credit me for your work through any of my profiles below. Thank you for your support, if you have any questions, ask me, I will be attentive to answer your question. Website: Instagram: @michelballares Artstation: Facebook: Patreon page:
Michel Ballares