Bust of Apollo marble sculpture statue Bust of Apollo wood sculpture statue Apollo Belvedere bust Apollo Greek Roman God Bust Head StatueBust of Apollo | Apollo Belvedere
Model created, edited , rendered in Z.brush - Artcam software.
ready for PRINTING OR MILLING ON CNC for that we rendered many pictures to imagine the different metals that can be used for this model
open source elements FOR can edit or change easily in any other software
Compatible with Aspire, Artcam, Cut3D, VCarve Pro, Blender, Rhino , Power mill , Fusion 360, and many more!
You can download the files after payment within the same time.
Please consider that model has been remodeled for molding and be ready for printing/milling on cnc and there some elements (thorns) can became very fragile if scaled down too much.
Includes files versions :
OBJ : bust
STL : statue
If you need another format for the files, ask me without problem
IF YOU NEED ANY SUPPORT to do an edit or ask any question AM HERE FOR YOUR HELP send message