3D PRINT - Andrew Bicentennial man without upgrade version

3D PRINT - Andrew Bicentennial man without upgrade version 3D print model


Hello, thank you for buying this model:), It is a Beta version that I use to print, It worked perfect for me in a 30 cm resin impression.To get the 30 cm approx (1/6 scale) the pieces must be enlarged 18000% in chitubox, if it is resin (I did it in zbrush and it was really small, I did not have time to adjust it).Some pieces are already hollow, but I printed with a thickness of 3mm to hollow out the pieces that were not and keep the ones that were normal.

In the feet they have a hole destined to put magnets to be able to stop it on some surface.

The files that begin with CAP, are the covers of the circuits and I printed them in translucent resin, in the film it has a small yellowish coloration, you can tint the resin a little.

The legs have a joint that when pressing they can fit perfectly, but it is a bit complicated and you have to have practice. Perhaps the best thing is to sand and match with some dremel and thus introduce it normally without problem.

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braddock0012022-12-04 17:12:06 UTC
Asked the designer for a printable version low poly and they gave me one . As is it is unprintable on most STL printers. I am making a life size print and it is coming along nicely. Very good model. Not a-lot of Bicentennial Man props out there... Thanks again
sircraftsman2022-02-05 06:53:49 UTC
hello! I bought the model and I think it's well done design-wise, but for now I've only printed the limbs and the wooden horse in 1:2 scale; due to the fact that the files of the chest and head are quite heavy (I think because of their amount of polygons) and my Slicer software, my STL format editors and viewers take half a day to open it or find errors hehe. Is there a way to correct these problems?
3D PRINT - Andrew Bicentennial man without upgrade version
Royalty Free License 
3D PRINT - Andrew Bicentennial man without upgrade version
Royalty Free License 
Response 75% in 24.1h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)1.31 GB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-01-13
  • Model ID#3508883
  • Ready for 3D Printing