Amulet of Fortuna

Amulet of Fortuna 3D print model


While not the main fuel of our lives, luck has proven to be essential for a happy life. Studies have shown that people who believes they are lucky tend to be more lucky than people who does not. The reasons could be as obvious as that since they have actually been lucky... Duh... They believe they are lucky but what is pointed in that studies is that perhaps, believe you are lucky encourages you to be more bold and expose yourself to more situations that could actually propitiate that luck.

This amulet of the goddess Fortuna perhaps can be helpful to believe you are lucky and help to actually be lucky as previously explained, or perhaps it haves the magic properties of the favour of the goddess but... I don't really know... I'm not actually a roman bc priest... Differing from the classic representations this one has two cornucopias of abundance for extra luck and because I thought it was cooler if it was symmetrical. As for the wheel of fortune it only has one because it would look weird with two.

There is a version of the model with a flat back side that can be printed in place without supports, one version double sided and double sided presupported in a necklace/keychain size (about 42 mm. in diameter).

The model has been printed in both filament and resin printers depending on the size or if it was double sided. The model is symmetrical so, if you want, you can print two of the versions with a flat back and then paste them together.

As you can see in the images it can be used as a decoration for everywhere you want it as well as necklace, a keychain, fridge magnet...

Printing parameters:

The bigger one is 190 mm. in diameter and has been printed at 0.18 mm and 80mm/s speed and the middle one is 120 mm. diameter and has been printed at 0.1 mm at 50mm/s.

The small ones for the necklaces has been printed with an elegoo mars resin printer at 0.03 mm and at about 6 second per layer.

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Amulet of Fortuna
Editorial No Ai License 
Amulet of Fortuna
Editorial No Ai License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (4 files)118 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2022-12-28
  • Model ID#4193706