Alien covenant - Dissected neomorph head - Davids Lab

Alien covenant - Dissected neomorph head - Davids Lab 3D print model


This is a neomorph from the ALIEN covenant movie, you can see the dissected head in david's lab. One of his many studies and experiments.

I base myself on the sculpture that ODD Studio made for the movie. both as the dissected version from david's lab and the full version (without jaw open)

I sculpted the full head and then the cut version with all its internal details. Digitally Sculpted and Printed in Resin.The sculpture simulates sagittal slice dissection, which is used to analyze bodies in anatomical studies.

This is a 25cm long figure, ideal to leave on your desk or next to your ALIEN collection. (or anatomy)

there are 6 separate pieces

headcylinder 1cylinder 2cylinder 3basename plate

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Alien covenant - Dissected neomorph head - Davids Lab
Editorial No Ai License 
Alien covenant - Dissected neomorph head - Davids Lab
Editorial No Ai License 
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3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (6 files)141 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2023-08-14
  • Model ID#4548775
  • Ready for 3D Printing