Al Rihla Cup - Argentina version - ball and base

Al Rihla Cup - Argentina version - ball and base 3D print model


Al Rihla Cup - Argentina version is a printable model of Al Rihla soccer ball used in FIFA World Cup 2022 paired with a base inspired by the trophy.It is made to be printable with a 3D printer and to be displayed as a sculpture or memorabilia.

Special features include:

  • the most accurate Al Rihla ball curves on the market
  • custom made base with engravings like 2022 Argentina and FIFA World Cup
  • STL files of a single unit and separated elements to provide more freedom of choice when printing

Al Rihla Cup - Argentina version model includes 3 STL files:

  • 1 STL file of the Al Rihla ball and engraved base merged together (for those who wish to print it as a single unit), 50mm wide and 65.5mm tall
  • 1 STL file of the engraved base on it's own, 50mm wide and 19mm tall
  • 1 STL file of half of the Al Rihla ball (for easier printing without the use of supports), 50mm when both halfs are together

If you wish to print the entire Al Rihla Cup at once, you can do that.If you wish to play with the ball and have it be separate from the base, you can do that. The ball fits on the base very comfortably and won't fall of easily.All those options are available to you!

For those wondering, how to print the entire ball when STL is only half of the ball?Simply print half of the ball twice and glue them together so they mirror each other! Easy!

This 3d printable model was test printed with PRUSA Slicer MINI, with 0.4 nozzle, with layer hight of 0.1mm, using PLA.The example photos show how the finished product looks like painted.

Have fun printing and painting your own Al Rihla Cup!

I've really enjoyed the process of creating this model for the Argetinians. I hope this model will bring you joy as well. :)

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Al Rihla Cup - Argentina version - ball and base
Royalty Free License 
Al Rihla Cup - Argentina version - ball and base
Royalty Free License 
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3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling
UV mapping

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (3 files)11.4 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-12-22
  • Model ID#4182924
  • Ready for 3D Printing