Star Wars SE-14R Blaster

Star Wars SE-14R Blaster 3D print model


This is a pretty darn close screen replica of the Blastech SE-14R Blaster used by the Death Troopers in Rogue One. The same blaster is also carried by a lot of the Storm Troopers in the other Star Wars movies though Rogue One photos were used for the reference for this version. The blaster was originally created by using a kind of obscure gun called a Rexum Favor which was a sub-machine gun used during WW2. The barrel and stock were cut off of the gun and a cheap Tasco scope was mounted backwards on the top. (These scopes are available in a lot of discount stores and cost about $17 so there isn't any point in 3D printing one.) This blaster was also used in the original Alien movie. Is speculated that the special effects guys for Alien might have even used one of the blasters left over from Star Wars.

There is a free version of my design that I posted on a few sites. This is an upgraded version and has been printed numerous times. I will not be upgrading the free version and I have this model priced very reasonable to make it worth getting the upgrades and knowledge that it has been printed many times with a lot of success.

mcclarydesign2019-10-06 20:42:34 UTC
This is a response to the review by Smith1109. My email is often flooded with spam and is basically unusable for daily communications. I do keep a Facebook page at and respond very quickly to PM requests from that page. There are lots of images in the description from the actual CAD models and all of the parts for those models are included. The only part which is not included is the scope, which is not shown in the CAD model. The scope is a simple rimfire Tasco 22 scope which sells for less than $20, so it wouldn't make sense to print it anyway. I have no idea which pieces your think should have been there and are not, but based on images from Rogue One this model is about as accurate as I can make it without having an actual prop in my hands. You are the very first to complain. The only item I know is different is the actual scope mount. The mount in my design has a couple of extra supports so that the scope doesn't break off the first time out.
smithj11092019-09-21 23:57:36 UTC
Any chance someone who has printed this could answer a few questions? Currently printing this and having a couple issues. Thanks!
MirageMakes2017-03-20 05:44:42 UTC
Why does the underside of the barrel (that connects to the Lower model) have a ridge that runs down the length of the barrel on the (what should be) flat side? Taking a closer look, it seems like it's part of the cylinder that sticks through the flat side of the barrel. As it is, you'd need to sand the underside so it's completely flat before attaching it to the Lower piece.
mcclarydesign2017-01-11 21:09:24 UTC
I have had a couple of people who were unable to print the barrel because of its length so I have incorporated in a version of the barrel in the files that is in two parts. I have also found that printing the barrel in two parts reduces the likelihood of failure in the print.
Item rating
7 1
ackmee2019-12-16 20:09:28 UTC
It did need quite a bit of sanding to get the bolt into the barrel, it just doesn't fit as is. But the rest of it fit together perfectly. Best model of the SE-14R I've found so far so recommended.
christophelablancherie2019-10-29 02:25:48 UTC
Not Recommended
Many part doesn't fit at all and needs to be cutted or sanded. Like the trigger, or the handle grip.
smithj11092019-10-22 23:11:55 UTC
the-freak2018-02-01 10:27:25 UTC
computergeek662017-05-07 14:30:33 UTC
Star Wars SE-14R Blaster
Custom License 
Star Wars SE-14R Blaster
Custom License 
Response 44% in 48.0h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (13 files)31.9 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2017-01-08
  • Model ID#676698