predator helmet pack

predator helmet pack 3D print model


Here are my fan made original predator helmet and 10 more custim bio helmets! all based on the original shape to fit on models, collectables, toys or LIFE SIZE COSPLAYS!

Life size for 3d printing cosplay or display prop approx: 12widest part of crown and 18 from chin to back of the helmet

the helmets include-city hunter, acid scratch damaged city hunterbullet damaged city huntercroc scale huntercyber hunterfiligree arty huntersimplistic filigree city hunter HR Giger hunterbaskar or mercury huntertech huntersubtle cyber city hunter


Item rating
0 1
xenohunter892024-03-06 09:51:57 UTC
Not Recommended
Don't get me wrong the look of these masks are soild but they just print like trash on resin I printed these to put on my hottoys predators and when doing so they come out super thin almost paper like and when removing supports they left stress masks on the mask even holes in the mesh Contacted seller made contact right away to sort it and never did asked for follow up on how the process is going and got nothing I've been fair with the wait time and now I've left complaint with cgtrader to get a full refund Such a shame because they are some really good designs and was looking forward to using them 4/10
predator helmet pack
Royalty Free License 
predator helmet pack
Royalty Free License 
Response 57% in 10.1h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (22 files)3.19 GB
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (11 files)4.94 GB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2023-04-18
  • Model ID#4445825