Thor's Mjolonir, dimensions 230.04mm x 140.01mm x 487.74mm
This model was designed to be printed in resin on the Form2 SLA printer (can be printed with FFF/FDM) in its entirety. Please take a look at the reference photos for placement on the print bed, to ensure no cupping, certain vents have been made (not pictured in the orginal rendering) that need to be lined up correctly (as shown).
I allowed some minimum tolerances so minimal sanding is needed to make the parts fit. Total of 12 pieces to be printed. The leather bit will need to be traced out around the handle, cut and applied with adhesive.
The following print time and estimate is for the Form2 @ a layer thickness of .05mm
Resin 1814.55ml, cost estimate with aftermarket resin 150.00 plus a new tray. Total print time for all pieces with 1 printer, 150hours if you max out your build plate. Any questions or special requests let me know. I can add lettering or logos to hammer if needed for a fee.