This is an AWESOME Model for the Lord of the Rings Collection, I will always love it, thank to You & your Talents.
Thank You. REED GOLD Out.
The Light of Eärendil from the Lord of the Rings. The phial was given to Frodo as a gift upon leaving the elven forest by Queen of the elves Galadriel.
This is a to-scale model of the movie prop, The print comes in two parts the top cap and the phial itself, the top does sit inside the phial. I have also included a hollow version for filling with liquids.
Measurements :158mmH x 42mmW x 42mmD
This should print within most printers with supports and if you are looking to use the model as a real vessel then don't forget to check vase mode when slicing for your printer.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.Thanks