Koska Reeves The Mandalorian 3d printable cosplay helmet

Koska Reeves The Mandalorian 3d printable cosplay helmet 3D print model


For sale here is my sculpt for Koska Reeves' helmet from the new season 2 of The Mandalorian.My sculpts are fanart sculptures meant to represent screen worn outfits and props from televsion, film, video games, and anime.I take great pride in my work and aim for as close to screen accurate work as I can provide. I also aim for easy printability, durable sculpts, and functionality in props and armor.

Features of this helmet:

  • Hardware for a magnetic action range-finder as well as magnetic connect gasket seal

  • Visor screw and tab mount system with both ink-jet printabel and 3d printable visor template options

  • 3d printable hardware is included for those on a budget

  • Pre-modeled supports system for main helmet body in visor and back vent areas for easier printing experience

  • Multiple options for pieces depending on your printing capabilities or needs

  • Model made to break down into as many parts as possible for ease of printing and painting.

  • 4 way split helmet can fit on Ender 3 printers [or similar small format printers]

  • 95% scale model made for smaller heads. [please use this instead of scaling down as all the hardware parts I have modeled in won't fit if you scale down]

Helmet is to scale for Sash Banks who is 5'5". I've included multiple images to compare proportions.

The helmet should fit heads between 21-23 at normal scale95% scale helmet has been made for smaller heads.

Thank you to all my supporters. It is your support that allows me to continue making these high quality models!

This is the way!

[All of my 3d models have been carefully planned out, reasearched, and matched for near accuracy. As such I ask that you do not try to negotiate a lower deal on price as I feel they are well worth the tag! Thank you for understanding.]

Refaei2022-12-25 22:02:24 UTC
Awesome work!
ViperJr3D2022-01-09 21:02:00 UTC
eclipse-net2k2021-10-02 19:13:23 UTC
Great models! The only problem I've run into so far is the Full size helmet folder is missing the STL template for the Visor. There are just two PNG files in it instead of one PNG and one STL like the 95% folder has.
Item rating
5 0
jcarter9292023-03-20 09:40:36 UTC
Very comprehensive and well designed set of files.
kristofer-knut2021-11-16 00:14:03 UTC
I have both the Bo Katan and Koska helmets and the design and engineering is amazing in both! Excellent work Josh!
deano1981uk2021-08-09 15:02:49 UTC
great file great helmet
dave-asmus2021-07-24 15:04:06 UTC
The models from Chamanleon are top notch!
hdcfabrication2021-03-20 21:50:13 UTC
Koska Reeves The Mandalorian 3d printable cosplay helmet
Editorial No Ai License 
Koska Reeves The Mandalorian 3d printable cosplay helmet
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 67% in 20.1h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (2 files)60.7 MB
  • PDF (.pdf)32.3 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2021-03-19
  • Model ID#2935497
  • Ready for 3D Printing