InuYasha Sesshomaru Tensaiga Sword for Cosplay

InuYasha Sesshomaru Tensaiga Sword for Cosplay 3D print model


Sesshomaru Tensaiga Sword from InuYasha ready to print and render real-life scale (anime-accurate)


  • Blender file for render, easy modifications and scale
  • High poly STL of the sword divided into multiple pieces for easy printing and assembly (images above, possibility to use a 20x5 metal bar for stability)
  • Low poly OBJ for render
  • Low poly FBX for render
  • High Resolution Textures Base Color, Normal

Programs Used: Blender 3.4, Zbrush 2021

Sesshōmaru (殺せっ生しょう丸まる, Destruction of Life) is a very powerful inu daiyōkai, feared throughout the Feudal Era. He is the older half-brother of the hanyō Inuyasha and the firstborn son of Tōga. Unlike many other yōkai, Sesshōmaru had no interest in possessing even a single shard of the Shikon Jewel to enhance his powers and considered yōkai who sought its abilities only to strengthen themselves as pathetic and weak. Despite the lack of interest towards the Shikon Jewel, he longed to end Naraku's life due to personal reasons. On his journey, he is accompanied by a two-headed dragon named A-Un, an imp yōkai named Jaken, an orphaned human girl named Rin, and eventually Sango's younger brother Kohaku. On several occasions throughout the series, Sesshōmaru's group happened to encounter Inuyasha's group while both teams were hunting down Naraku and Sesshōmaru more or less willingly helped out Inuyasha and his friends which he always claimed as not have been his actual intentions in any of such situation. Sesshōmaru's armor includes a spiked pauldron that covers his left shoulder attached by red ropes to the upper section of his black cuirass with lotus petal faulds that possess light gray trim. When damaged, the armor automatically regenerated itself using yōki. Both his armor and his long yellow flowing sash with violet details have a decided Chinese influence, as opposed to the customary Japanese armor and obi. His clothing consists on a white kimono with a red and white cherry blossom flower crest at the collar and sleeves, showing that he is of royal birth, a white hadagi undershirt, and a white sashinuki hakama which are gather at the ankles, producing a ballooning effect. His footwear consists of black ankle-high boots, also reminiscent of Chinese influence. On his right shoulder was his mokomoko-sama, the fur and tail of his true form which he retained in his humanoid form. In the third film, as seen in his younger years, Sesshōmaru wore a slightly different outfit. His kimono was cream colored and had violet leaf patterns, and he wore a blue sash belt. His face too had a more feminine edge to it.

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InuYasha Sesshomaru Tensaiga Sword for Cosplay
Royalty Free License 
InuYasha Sesshomaru Tensaiga Sword for Cosplay
Royalty Free License 
Response 89% in 2.2h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling
Low-poly Modeling
UV mapping
PBR modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Blender (.blend) (2 files)2.99 MBVersion: 3.4Renderer: Default Version: 3.4Renderer: Cycles
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (16 files)55.2 MB
  • Textures 4.63 MB
  • JPG (.jpg)4.63 MB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (2 files)3.84 MB
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx)1.65 MB
  • Other 766 Bytes

3D Model details

  • Publish date2024-02-21
  • Model ID#5111507
  • Ready for 3D Printing