Aliens 1986 Screen Accurate Alien Warrior Head 3D Model

Aliens 1986 Screen Accurate Alien Warrior Head 3D Model 3D print model


This is my Screen Accurate Alien Warrior Head High Detail 3D Model from Aliens (1986)And is for 3D Printing and Display Purposes.

This Alien Warrior Head was painstakingly recreated digitally by me takingas few creative liberties as possible. This specific Alien Head and neck sculpt is based on thealien suits that were actually worn by actors, not to be confused with the higher detail puppetsStan Winston school created as well. In order for me to have created this I scoured through 100'sof Images of original props. I only found 2 images of the Alien Warriors Inner Jaw which is very distinctFrom the other movies Aliens. I captured its Likeness as Best as physically possible without having anoriginal on hand.

All files are STL format.

The heads Dimensions are Roughly 10X 34.89Y 18.4"Z

This purchase contains 4 models, First being Head which is the main part of the head and vast majority of the model,Second being Jaw which is the jaw of the alien that slots into a cut out in Head, third being Neck which is thetubey Neck of the alien which the head rests on top of, Forth and lastly is tongue which is the Inner Jaw of the alienand you will have to get creative in installing it as I couldn't figure out how the originals were installed in the mouths.

additionally you can purchase non-lubricated Latex condoms to cut into the shape of the tendons that are covering the sidesof the Aliens Mouth as that is what was originally Used for the movie.

It is Highly Recommended to Print This Object on a Large format Resin Printer as some of the smaller tubingmight not have their corrugation if printed on a FDM Printer however there are benefits to printing in PLA ona Large Format FDM Printer. for example you can use a Heat Gun to make the jaw cavity pliable to make the jawinstillation easier, as well as morphing it to allow the jaw to be open.

This 3D model is for personal use only, Commercial use of this Model is prohibited.

Item rating
1 0
lpnhead2022-07-31 09:21:10 UTC
Perfect model! Nice and clean, no issues! Great work!
Aliens 1986 Screen Accurate Alien Warrior Head 3D Model
Custom License 
Aliens 1986 Screen Accurate Alien Warrior Head 3D Model
Custom License 
Response 88% in 5.3h
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)161 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-07-31
  • Model ID#3904869
  • Ready for 3D Printing