3D MODEL DESCRIPTIONThe Aragorn Sword was wielded by Strider who utilized it with phenomenal battling aptitudes and bravery. He was ended up being a touchy fellow that helped other individuals without any motivation in exchange. He also helped the fundamental party in the arrangement getting away from the spot of Nazgul and arriving at Rivendell. The Hobbits called the warrior King by the name of Strider throughout the film series. He joined with the partnership for decimating the Ring whom individuals were perplexed. It was uncovered that he was the successor of the powerful Isildur who vanquished the Dark master Sauron years prior.
Joining with Gimli and Legolas, he vanquished a large number of warriors of Sauron. He favored battling without utilizing substantial Armor and cap in light of the fact that it backs him off. He utilized the Aragorn Ranger Sword and the blade called Aragorn blade, the symbol of the Movie Series in numerous fights. The Aragorn sword was a useful weapon that gives briskness and force to its wielder. Thus, Strider was unparalleled at whatever point he prepared his intense Aragorn sword and the Aragorn's blade.
We are displaying the Aragorn Strider Ranger Sword Replica with a knife from the well-known Movie series the Lord of the Rings. The Aragorn sword was used by one of the main characters Aragorn in the film.You should press each files twice!If you have any question, please don't hesitate to write me a message!
3D PRINTING SETTINGS0.3mm Layer height%10 infill60 ºC Bed heat205 ºC Nozzle heat