Easy to assemble, full size, and of course, wearable. Enjoy trooping!
You need a Creality3D CR-10 or an 30x30x30 printer in order to print this armor. High definition model (Few millions of polys). PLA 0.2 mm layer 210° - 50° Modified Chris Elkin's profil: 3 perimeters.
If you have a 40x40cm printer (Creality S4 or S5), you can print the entire cuirass in one piece. Otherwise, you have to print the chest cuirasse in two parts, and assemble it using three nuts and bolts.
The armor in the photos is raw. No sanded, I just removed the supports.
The t-bits, the blaster and the tank top plate are not included (the white parts in the photos). You can buy them in eBay or search the free files for print them yourself.
The thermal detonator tube is not included (I used an standard tube fron an old vacuum cleaner tube).
The parts are signed with my name in non visible places. Of course, all signs keep hidden when wearing the armor. Please, don't ask me for unsigned objets. I must do it in order to protect my work.
THE HELMET IS NOT INCLUDED. You can buy it here: https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-print-models/hobby-diy/other/wearable-scout-trooper-helmet-by-jesus-salmeron-3d-print-model
INCLUDES SIMPLIFY3D SUPPORTS. Just load the object and import the supports for every part. Everything is allready rotated and ready to slice.