Print ready base.
Measure units are millimeters, the figure is about 138 mm in width.
Mesh is manifold, no holes, no inverted faces, no bad contiguous edges.
Available formats: .blend, .stl, .obj, .fbx, .dae
Here is two versions of the model:
1) Base_x_sld. (blend, .obj, .fbx, .dae. stl) This files contains solid(one piece) base. The model consists of 145134 triangular faces.
2) Base_x_parts. (blend, .obj, .fbx, .dae. stl) Here are two prats, the upper part has a pin. The lower part has a socket. Here is 161608 triangular faces.
For stl format, each part is in a separate file, and there is additional upper part (Base_x_parts_3.stl), it has slightly smaller pin, just for the case if you printer tends to make recessions smaller than they are. LCD Printers may do this.