Hello, Friends.
This is one of my favorite creations and I bring it to you all in honor of the upcoming War of the Rohirrim film. This is my own work using MS 3d Builder. In Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy, the household men of Theoden King wore distinctive helms with crests shaped like stylized horses in a rearing position. Ever since I saw The Two Towers I've loved the Rohirrim. I've got my own Rohan Royal Guard costume I've worn to several conventions. Enjoy! I hope to see a resurgence of the Rohirrim at conventions in response to the new film.
Recommendations:Measure your own head carefully and resize all parts with percentage to ensure continued fit.Print the crest split in half so that you can glue the halves together with hair extensions between to resemble the horse hair crests of the Royal Guard in the film.Print the cheek gaurds with mouse ears for added stability during printing. Print all parts seperately for ease of sanding and painting.
All pieces should stick together firmly with an application of superglue. If you desire an even stronger hold, use model glue such as plastic model cemeent or Scotch-Weld>Fill in gaps using epoxy putty, available at any hardware or craft store and paint using the same paint originally used on your helmet parts, applied with a bush.