Giovanni Motta was born in Verona in 1971.After his accounting studies, he began working in the world of communication as a creative and advertising artist collaborating, among others, with Emanuele Pirella in Milan. His artist nature had already manifested itself by a child: at 9 he won a drawing competition organized by the FAO. At the same time he is interested in figurative and contemporary art with a particular interest in the world of Japanese anime and manga. He began his artistic journey by painting scenes of life extrapolated from his travels around the world with hyperrealist technique: Tokyo, Los Angeles, New York, London, are essential stages for his research on the theme that will become the leitmotif of his work: the inner child. This will lead him to explore culture while also using new technologies, such as modeling and 3D printing. He began exhibiting in 2000 with solo and group exhibitions in Italy and abroad.
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