Ghostbusters Logo Scratchplate for Fender Stratocaster

Ghostbusters Logo Scratchplate for Fender Stratocaster 3D print model


This scratchplate for the Fender Stratocaster features the logo of the ever-popular Ghostbusters, and comes complete with a set of pattern-blending single-coil pickup covers.

The plate is made in three layers (the files are labelled 'Base', 'Mid' and 'Top to show which goes where). I recommend assembling the base first then building up the other layers, using epoxy or some other kind of spreadable glue to maximise the strength and also to make sure the plate is as solid as possible. This will help with better sound-conduction and it'll also hopefully help it to survive the rigours of gigging a bit better!

More Strat scratchplates coming soon, along with scratchplates and control plates for the Fender Telecaster.

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Ghostbusters Logo Scratchplate for Fender Stratocaster
Royalty Free License 
Ghostbusters Logo Scratchplate for Fender Stratocaster
Royalty Free License 
Response 26% in 48.0h
3D Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (14 files)10.1 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-04-30
  • Model ID#3730132
  • Ready for 3D Printing