Buddha Head CNC carving statue

Buddha Head CNC carving statue 3D print model


Not only decorative elements for the home, but they also contain strong emotional significance. In the Icons section of the online store we have collected a variety of beautiful icons. They have been made in a variety of art styles and so each client will find one that will ideally suit them. Presented iconic models have great value for art like all of them designed by professionals. Being characterized as having perfected the quality they provide is very accurate images. After you make the icon selected from the high-quality materials that you will offer, your buyer will item that will be a waste-decoration for each home. One Mesh model. No Parts. PRINTABLE MODEL! Suitable for creations of Physical Form via 3d printing, CNC carving.

Product includes digital 3D model only. OBJ, STL and ZTL files available. (you can scale it). Which means that none of the clients will face a difficult time when making a model choice on any modern equipment.

Please visit my gallery (by clicking on my username) for other printable figurines/ sculptures. Thank you! If you can let us know your opinion by reviewing and rating our product, we will take it in consideration the next time we work, and so our job will be better and according to your interes. Thanks for your time…

faryadqurban2021-09-21 05:30:24 UTC
polypropstudio2019-11-10 06:31:26 UTC
talismanst2019-10-28 19:01:09 UTC
briarena2020-12-10 00:39:30 UTC
Thank you,
briarena2020-12-10 00:39:34 UTC
Thank you,
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Buddha Head CNC carving statue
Editorial No Ai License 
Buddha Head CNC carving statue
Editorial No Ai License 
Available in these collections
Response 80% in 1.6h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling
Low-poly Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • OBJ 1.1 (.obj, .mtl)698 MB
  • Zbrush 1.1 (.ztl, .zbp)46.9 MB
  • Stereolithography 1.1 (.stl)594 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2019-08-07
  • Model ID#2057243
  • Ready for 3D Printing