Erika janse van Rensburg

Erika janse van Rensburg 3D print model


Erika janse van Rensburg

Chto takoye 3D-model' Odnim iz osnovnykh momentov izucheniya 3D-tekhnologiy yavlyayetsya polnoye ponimaniye protsessa 3D-modelirovaniya. Eto krayeugol'nyy kamen' vsekh 3D-tekhnik, i pervyy shag — obyasnit', chto takoye 3D-model'. 3D-model' – eto trekhmernoye tsifrovoye izobrazheniye trebuyemogo obyekta, kak real'nogo, tak i vymyshlennogo. Sozdaniye 3D-modeley proiskhodit v spetsial'nom programmnom obespechenii dlya 3D-modelirovaniya. Funktsional takikh programm mozhet neznachitel'no otlichat'sya. Naprimer, yest' programmy, oriyentirovannyye na proyektirovaniye inzhenernykh 3D-modeley, yest' programmnoye obespecheniye neposredstvenno dlya modelirovaniya organicheskikh obyektov, a takzhe prilozheniya dlya 3D-vizualizatsii i animatsii. Na samom dele programmnoye obespecheniye ne podlezhit strogoy klassifikatsii, no bol'shinstvo prilozheniy soderzhat opredelennyye funktsii, napravlennyye na vypolneniye konkretnykh zadach. Chto takoye 3D-modelirovaniye Obyasnyaya, chto takoye 3D-model', nevozmozhno ne rasskazat' vkrattse, chto takoye 3D-modelirovaniye. 3D-modelirovaniye – eto protsess sozdaniya trekhmernogo tsifrovogo izobrazheniya neobkhodimogo obyekta. V zavisimosti ot konkretnykh tseley trebovaniya k 3D modelirovaniyu mogut razlichat'sya. To yest' pri razrabotke komp'yuternykh igr ispol'zuyutsya odni i te zhe zakony postroyeniya 3D-modeley, chto mozhet byt' ne polezno pri sozdanii 3D-modeley dlya 3D-pechati. Podrobneye o pravilakh 3D-modelirovaniya dlya 3D-pechati chitayte v etoy stat'ye. Poverkhnost' 3D-modeli predstavlyayet soboy nabor geometricheskikh figur – treugol'nikov ili pryamougol'nikov, kombinatsiya kotorykh obrazuyet neobkhodimyy obyekt. Pri zhelanii vy mozhete nauchit'sya sozdavat' 3D-model' samostoyatel'no, no v sluchaye ostroy neobkhodimosti luchshe obratit'sya k professionalam.Ещё1 684 / 5 000What is a 3D modelOne of the main points of learning 3D technology is to fully understand the 3D modeling process. This is the cornerstone of all 3D techniques, and the first step is to explain what a 3D model is.

A 3D model is a three-dimensional digital image of the required object, both real and fictional. The creation of 3D models takes place in special 3D modeling software. The functionality of such programs may differ slightly. For example, there are programs focused on the design of 3D engineering models, there is software directly for modeling organic objects, as well as applications for 3D visualization and animation. In fact, software is not strictly classified, but most applications contain certain functions aimed at performing specific tasks.

What is 3D modelingExplaining what a 3D model is, it is impossible not to briefly explain what 3D modeling is.

3D modeling is the process of creating a three-dimensional digital image of the desired object. Depending on your specific goals, 3D modeling requirements may vary. That is, when developing computer games, the same laws for constructing 3D models are used, which may not be useful when creating 3D models for 3D printing. Read more about 3D modeling rules for 3D printing in this article.

The surface of a 3D model is a set of geometric shapes – triangles or rectangles, the combination of which forms the required object. If you wish, you can learn how to create a 3D model yourself, but in case of urgent need, it is better to turn to professionals.

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Erika janse van Rensburg
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Erika janse van Rensburg
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3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)17.4 MB
  • Rhinoceros 3D (.3dm)12.6 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2024-05-24
  • Model ID#5301991
  • Ready for 3D Printing