Abilene Police AcademyPolice Academy is a film series based on the characters Neil Israel and Pat Proft and produced by the Ladd Company and Warner Bros. In a tone of parodic humor, the story of a police academy is told, open to any citizen who wishes to register, with no prior entrance examination.Police Academy: An American animated television series with 64 30-minute episodes released in 1988.Police Academy: 26-episode, 52-minute American television series released in 1997.Abilene Police AcademyPolice Academy is a film series based on the characters Neil Israel and Pat Proft and produced by the Ladd Company and Warner Bros. In a tone of parodic humor, the story of a police academy is told, open to any citizen who wishes to register, with no prior entrance examination.Police Academy: An American animated television series with 64 30-minute episodes released in 1988.Police Academy: 26-episode, 52-minute American television series released in 1997.