Value : 1 US dollarMass : 26.73 gDiameter : 38.1 mmComposition : 90% silver 10% copperSilver : 0.77344 troy ozMintmark: S (for San Francisco) below the eagle on the reverse Years of minting : 1840–1873
Value: As a rough estimate of this coins value you can assume this coin in average condition will be valued at somewhere around $177,286, while one in certified mint state (MS+) condition could bring as much as $1,959,995 at auction. This price does not reference any standard coin grading scale. So when we say average, we mean in a similar condition to other coins issued in 1870, and mint state meaning it is certified MS+ by one of the top coin grading companies
Unlisted in any Mint reports, the 1870-S Silver Dollar is one of the greatest American numismatic rarities. Today, only a dozen or so examples are known, most of which are in circulated condition. The 1870-S Silver Dollar was created under circumstances almost identical to those of the unique 1870-S Three Dollar gold piece – dies for the two denominations were sent to the San Francisco Mint without mintmarks (the Philadelphia Mint made all of the dies for various mints, adding mintmarks before the dies were shipped). As an emergency measure, the coiner of the San Francisco mint, J.B. Harmstead, added mintmarks to the reverse dies for the Silver Dollar and Three Dollar gold piece and struck off several of the former and perhaps one or two of the latter. Only one Mint State example is known, a PCGS MS-62 from the James A. Stack collection