Laser Rifle Grenade Launcher PBR Sci-Fi
Texture Size 4096x4096
Texture Format PNG Texture Map Color (Albedo) Gloss Roughness Metalness Normal (DirectX, OpenGL) AO Emissive Opacity
Source Map Color ID Curvature Object (World Space Normal) Position Thickness Normal AO Cavity Other
PSD File (Albedo, Decal)
Source Map are for retexturing or editing of the maps.
Decals are separated in PSD, can be blend out or editable.
Last eight images are rendered in 3DO Quixel Suite.
UV are mirrored to save Texture Space. Texture Resolution 4096x4096 Texture Resolution can sized down to 1024x1024. Recommend Texture Resolution 2048x2048.
Files OBJ FBX Marmoset Toolbag 3 (3.08) PNG HDRI