This was a project thanks to School Of Thought to show the beauty and luxury of the company Everglades focusing efforts on the 273 Sport Fishing Boat. Like a Criss Craft this is a boat that doesn't overlook anything in terms of clean lines, strong build, and luxury across the board. This model is a representation of the smaller 273 which is a 29' bow to stern housing twin 250 Mercury motors.
The model was created in C4D R15 but has individualized textures for other programs. In C4D the subdivision is ready for any smoothing you may desire, but for all other programs the default subdivision is a factor of 2 for high res close up and optimized texturing. This model features all the components of the boat with a detailed center console, all hatches and cushions can be moved to open up.
All the components have proper axis locations (possibly not transfered properly in OBJ format, if this is an issue try importing with the DAE format).
All Textures are 4K or better, the C4D native model uses decals along with materials to give beautiful brilliance to the model, use your favorite material or overlay to get the desired color you like on the model. The C4D model comes with the original texture tags along with a fully textured model if you want to use in a more complex scene. The model is subdivision ready built almost entirely in quads and offers a low resolution model in C4D (available in other formats upon request).
NOTE: This is a C4D Native model and is preset for a subdivision render factor of 2 for all other programs, lower or higher polygons can be offered upon purchase of this model.
Total Polygons in Subdivided model: 682452 Total Vertex in Subdivided model: 691158
NOTE: This model is native to Cinema 4D, all renders were created using C4D R15 and may not reflect other programs in terms of materials. Polygons represent the low resolution C4D model (Available for other programs on request). If this model meets or exceeds your expectations please comment and like. Happy Modelling! If you like this model check out my others under jasoncrohr