Detailed Low poly 3D modelincluded FORMAT:
3DS MAX /2011&2014/ WITH V-Ray materials and studio ligthing setup /*MAX/
3ds MAX with Scanline materials /*MAX/
-*FBX/Multi Format/
-*OBJ/Multi Format/
Native Format : 3ds max 2014 with V-Ray 3.00.00
Vray setup scene gamma 2.2 /3 point lighting setup included/Model:
Clean topology based on quads.
This model is completely UVunwrapped.
Model group material and texture have a clear name.Units used centimeters.Clean, polygonal, edge loop, quads based and smoothable /Subdivision ready/ poly geometry
Only : Quads/Tris
Model centered at origin.
- Unique and meaningful names for all the model parts, materials and textures for an easy identification.TEXTURES
4096x4096 JPG (3) - Diff,Glos,Ref/
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