The model itself was huge, but scaled down nicely. there are lots of parts to it, but it has a lot of imperfections in the final stl files and needed to be run a couple of slicers before I found one that worked OK (Crua left lots of internal holes, Repetier sorted it, I'm not competent with meshmixer and I couldn't fix the file with that). Eventually I got a watertight mesh and printed at 1:1800, not expecting much. The result is an absolute delight and made the investment totally worthwhile. The detail even at this scale is astonishing. FLSUN QQS-Pro, 0.2mm nozzle, 210/70 PLA (I usually use 60 on the bed but the printer's out in the garage and it's cold out there!).
Now, I have to learn how to use meshmixer properly. If anyone can point me to tips on fixing meshes, I'm listening.