GENERALBasic functions Amphibious transport, disaster relief, helicopteroperations, evacuation operations, operationsupport, maintenance support, joint operationscommand, trainingClassification Lloyd’s Register of Shipping: 100 A1,Amphibious Transport Ship, both intact anddamage stability according SOLASDIMENSIONSLength o.a. 121.00 mBeam mld 24.80 mDepth no.1 deck 15.00 mDraught 5.50 mDisplacement full load 7850 tonnesPERFORMANCESpeed 16-20 knotsRange at 15 knots >6000 nmEndurance 30+ days at sea crew only15+ days at sea with full complementPROPULSION SYSTEMPropulsion system Diesel-Direct + PTI (hybrid)Propulsion engines Diesel engines + Electrical motorPropulsion power 2 x 4000 kW + 2 x 400 kWPropellers 2 x CPPBow thrusters 1 x