The Gleaves-class destroyers were a class of 66 destroyers of the United States Navy built 1938–1942. The model is very detailed. It includes many animateable features: guns and turrets, anti-aircraft borfors, 20mm cannons, davits, whaleboats, hatches, propellers and rudders. Flags can be easily added and animated. Anchors can be animated with the addition of anchor chains. Handrails, ladders and hatches appear through the model. Life Rafts are included through the model and can be launched. This model was built with textures and is available in multiple formats. These models render very well and look very realistic using good animation and rendering technique.
Gleaves-class destroyers were virtually identical in appearance to the Benson-class destroyers (DD-421), distinguishable only by the shape of their stacks—the Gleaves class had round stacks, and the Benson class had flat-sided stacks. They were the production destroyer of the US Navy when it entered World War II.