Amazon-Class Type 21 Frigate

Amazon-Class Type 21 Frigate Low-poly 3D model


Lowpoly Model of the Amazon-Class Type 21 Frigate, as per its Typical '82 Configuration.

Artstation Page:


The Amazon-Class Type 21 Frigate was a British Royal Navy General Purpose Frigate, designed in the late 1960s, built in the early '70s and served from the mid '70s to the early '90s, most notably during the Falklands War of 1982, providing the backbone of the British Naval Taskforce sent to recapture the islands. During the '90s, the remaining Type 21 were sold off to Pakistan, refitted with some new weapons & reclassed as the Tariq-Class Destroyer.

Early Access:

This model is still a Work in Progress (WIP) & will be in a Game Ready state in time, but those who can use it as it is, can get it now & get the updates as they come for free as the price of the model increase with each update. Below I've listed what features I plan to do; Short Term being things I plan to do soon, and Possible Long Term Features being things I might do if I have time &/or if there is enough demand for them (please message me if you want them, or anything else). Please note that you're buying the model as it stands right now, and I can't guarantee any future updates or when they might be released.

Short Term Plan:

  • Fixing a few minor model issues & adding a few improvements.
  • Creating a Wreck, aka Destroyed Model.
  • Making a full set of Level of Detail (LODs) & Collision Mesh Models.
  • Finishing off the Textures with more detail & with PBR Maps.

Possible Long Term Features:

  • Creating a non-Exocet armed version with new Corvus Chaff Platforms located on the Forecastle & other differences.
  • Ships Boats (Whaler, Cheverton & Inflatable Gemini).
  • Remaking the MM38 Exocet Launcher in greater detail with 3D ribs & other improvements.
  • Creating each ship in the class with their own unique details as per their 1982 Falklands War configurations.
  • Creating the Tariq-Class Destroyer (on request only, would take significant rework and new weapons).

Model Info:

Firstly, this Frigate isn't just a single model, but rather a set of models with every primary Weapon & Sub-System being their own independent set of models & textures to maximise flexibility & optimisation. This not only means that this Frigate can be easily reconfigured, but also allows other ship types & platforms (such as the ITB Exocet Trailer) that share these same weapons & sub-systems can use them while sharing the same textures/materials, reducing client memory load & creating common draw calls.

I've based the model & textures on the standard configuration as per the 1982 Falklands conflict, with painted out markings & with 4x MM38 Exocet anti-ship missile, but not on any particular ship in the class.

Being primarily made for use on the Refractor 2 engine, I aimed to keep this model as low poly as possible while still trying to retain a high level of detail through highly optimised meshes, high poly normal map baking & texture detail.

This Frigate model is fully functional, with every Weapon & Sub-System able to move, rotate & fire as per its real-life counterpart.

Model Stats:

The Frigate with all of its Weapons & Sub-Systems comes to 61k Triangles / 34.8k Polygons / 38.3k Vertices (LOD0).The Frigate itself, without any of the Independent Weapons, Sub-Systems & Props, comes to just under 38k Triangles / 21.3k Polygons / 25k Vertices.For all the Weapons, Sub-Systems & Prop model LOD0 comes to 23k Triangles / 13.5k Polygons / 13.3 Vertices.

Textures for the Frigate's hull, superstructure & small details are on 4096 x 2048 px Diffuse, Specular & Normal Textures, with an additional 1024 x 512 px Diffuse, Specular, Normal & Opacity textures for all the transparent parts.

Textures for the independent Weapons & Sub-Systems are all on separate maps for maximum flexibility. But together, they have a pixel area of 27,033,600 px^2 at their maximum resolution. However, at their recommended resolution, where they have around the same texture detail level of the Frigate, they have a pixel area of 6,586,368 px^2, which is just under that of a 4096x2048 px texture.

Please keep in mind that these textures are still WIP; the Normal and Spec maps especially have a lot more work planned for them, and there is also the creation of missing PBR textures. Also, the Normal maps have their Green Channel inverted from what most engines use by default. You either need to specify to use an inverted green channel for the normal or resave them with an inverted green channel (can message me if you need help with that), but some normal maps with the _b2 suffix already have their green channel flipped.

Some things are packed together in Groups for easy handling (google 3DsMax Groups for more info) & the LODs, cols, etc, are hidden in their own layer. You can message me if you need any help navigating the files.

Weapons & Sub-Systems:

More info for each Weapon & Sub-System used on the Type 21 Frigate is listed below.

  • Vickers Mk.8 Naval Gun:
  • GWS-24 Sea Cat SAM:
  • Oerlikon 20mm AA Gun:
  • Corvus Chaff Launcher:
  • MM38 Exocet Launcher:
  • Type 912 Director Radar:
  • STWS-1 Torpedo Launcher:

Please note that some extra things shown in these links are not included with the Type 21 Frigate, such as the ITB Exocet Trailer or the high poly models. Only items shown in the images above are included (with a few small exceptions that are only seen in a few renders, such as the missile fire trails). If you need clarification or require something else not included, then please message me.


The model comes in two 3DsMax formats (v9 and 2022) & is exported to .fbx, .3ds, & .obj in various ways, although I would recommend the .fbx if you don't have 3DsMax as the .3ds & .obj exports are somewhat buggy. I will try & improve on those export formats in later releases & let me know if you need those formats.Textures are all saved in .TGA or .PNG, with also the original .PSD provided.


Except for HMS Amazon, all the class took part in the 1982 Falklands War as the 4th Frigate Squadron. They were heavily involved, performing extensive shore-bombardment missions and providing anti-submarine and anti-aircraft duties for the task force. On 10 May, HMS Alacrity and Arrow probed through Falkland Sound at night, searching for minefields that might have impeded landings and operations, almost as expendable hulls. Alacrity engaged and sank an Argentine naval supply vessel in the Sound. On exiting the Sound at daybreak, they were attacked by the Argentine submarine San Luis, which fired a torpedo at them but only struck Alacrity's Type 182 Torpedo Decoy (as intended). Two ships were lost during the conflict: Ardent was hit by bombs dropped by Argentine aircraft on 21 May and consumed by fire; Antelope was hit by bombs on 23 May but initially failed to detonate; later, one was accidentally set off by the bomb disposal team attempting to defuse it on 24 May, causing the ship to catch fire and setting off her magazines, resulting in her breaking her back and sinking.More info here:


Please read the license agreements carefully. If you wish to use this model in any commercial work please message me so we can work out a fair deal.

ditechdiop2024-02-16 08:17:29 UTC
Ostap6042023-04-16 07:47:01 UTC
I am impressed
Rhin02023-04-16 07:51:15 UTC
Thanks! :D
3DmolierNK2022-05-02 12:33:14 UTC
Cool work!
Rhin02022-05-02 12:46:32 UTC
Thanks! :D
Item rating
1 0
mark-breakwell2022-12-13 14:46:43 UTC
Fantastic model, with very detailed textures, no normal issues, and will produce some great realistic looking renders - very impressed, great jon 10/10.
Amazon-Class Type 21 Frigate
Editorial No Ai License 
Amazon-Class Type 21 Frigate
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 67% in 16.7h
3D Modeling
Low-poly Modeling
UV mapping
PBR modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Autodesk 3ds Max (.max) (3 files)1020 MBVersion: 2022Version: 9
  • Autodesk 3ds Max (.max) (3 files)1020 MBVersion: 2022Version: 9
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx) (2 files)1010 MB
  • 3D Studio (.3ds) (2 files)1010 MBVersion: buggy
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (3 files)1010 MBVersion: buggyVersion: buggy
  • Textures .TGA .PNG1000 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-04-28
  • Model ID#3726506
  • Animated
  • Rigged
  • VR / AR / Low-poly
  • PBR
  • Geometry Polygon mesh
  • Polygons 34,767
  • Vertices 38,303
  • Textures
  • Materials
  • UV Mapping
  • Unwrapped UVs Mixed
  • Plugins used
  • Ready for 3D Printing