Detailed Description Info: Futuristic Orb Drone , Type: 3D Model, Geometry: mixed , Polygon Count: 251600, Vertice Count: 251658, Textures: yes, Materials: Yes, Rigged: No, Animated: No, UV Mapped: Yes, Unwrapped UV's: No
Originally modeled in blender 2.82 with cycles renderer.
A 3D model of a Futuristic industrial Orb Drone with scratched yellow metal, chrome, and led light.The model can be used as an underwater light like submarine, or a floating drone...................................
High quality polygonal model . Model is fully textured with all PBR materials applied. No cleaning up necessary, just drop model into your scene and start rendering. No special plugin needed to open scene.
File formats:
.blend, .FBX, .obj, .dae, .usdc
In case of any problem contact me to fix it...enjoy!