3D high resolution and fully detailed model of the ULSTEIN AX 104 Anchor Handling Tug Supply Vessel BOURBON ORCA.
Ship built to serve the oil exploration and oil production industry world wide in heavy duty offshore operations, equipped with a diesel electric power plant, large azimuth main thrusters, high capacity AHT winches and safe anchor handling equipment.Length over all. 86,2 mBreadth moulded 18,5 mDeadweight 3180 ton
Modeled correctly scaled from blueprints, enough detail for close-up renders.Closed model, no holes or lost polygons. No double sided materials. Crystals have been modeled with volume for renderers like Arion or Maxwell.Fully UV mapped.NOTE: Ocean not included.Texture map 5995 x 1355 px.Bump map 5995 x 1355 px.The X-BOW TM 3D-models are only permitted for personal, non-commercial use.