Modelled in blender version 2.82
Some parts of the model do not have a UV scan and textures in materials (parameters in blender shading).Ыeamless textures were used for most parts of the model.
It was launched on the 15th July 1841 and became part of Russia's Black Sea Fleet. Its lower deck had twenty eight 68-pounder guns designed by the Russian artillerist Lekhner.On the other two decks there were 36 and 24-pounder guns.Although the ship was titled 120-gun the ship actually carried 130 guns.The crew of the ship consisted of about 1000 men, among which were 12 officers and 65 corporals.The city of Sevastopol was the home of the Tsar's Black Sea Fleet, which threatened the Mediterranean. On the 13th February 1855, the Twelve Apostles was ordered to Sevastopol Bay to form a second beam line along with six other vessels. The Russian commanders arrived at the hard but a most sensible decision, to submerge the ships across the entrance channel to prevent entry to the port, thus assisting the shoreline batteries.